Saturday, February 07, 2009

CATCHING UP - Best Canadian Songs of 2008 and Lots More

So, I've missed out on some exciting stuff over the last couple of weeks, so I'm trying to catch up in one post. This is my annual review post. We're now celebrating over a year of sovereignty over our might nation.

Canadian Hero of the Year 2008 – No vote this time. It’s my daughter. In your face Strombodopolous.

Review of the crazy Canadian government thing that happened last December.

It was pretty exciting, and it made me feel good that I know more about how the Canadian government works than most Canadians - when the majority of parliament whether in coalition form or not decides on a leader, that's the leader. None of you people vote for the Prime Minister, you vote for your MP. Whichever party has the most MP's gets to pick the PM. If a couple of parties decide to get together to choose a PM, that's the PM. Silly Canadians, you don't live in America where people directly vote for the President.

I predict the Steelers will win the Super Bowl and that 30 years of peace will follow.

Slumdog Millionaire
- Good, but c'mon there must be 30 movies from 2008 that are better. All you really need to know is that people in India are completely indifferent and/or kind of annoyed at the movie.

Best Canadian Songs of 2008


Kids Dont Know Shit - Islands
This album was criminally underrated and I could really put fives songs from it on my top ten. But this is by far the most exciting song. At first, the lyrics are so completely dumb, but then they are not completely dumb. Genius.


A band that just plays rock n' roll. Not gimmicks or tricks. Every time I buy their albums, I think they're just okay, then three months later I can't believe how great it is. This song is one highlight.


The Sound - Human Highway

Same guy from the Islands in folk mode. A fine album, but this song stands above the rest on this album.


Willow Tree - Chad VanGaalen
This is a great song from an album that's full of wonderful music.


Churches Under The Stairs - Brendan Canning
I admit that I was a little dissappointed in this album. There aren't a lot of standout rock n' roll moments that we usually see from the Broken Social Scene crowd. But this song is definitely a standout. Would have been great to see live if I hadn't dropped the tickets out of my back pocket on the way to the show. Sorry Beernada and Maynard.


Black Rice - Women

Dumb band name, good song.


Some Are Lakes - Land Of Talk


Feedback In The Field - Plants and Animals
One of the louder songs from a Montreal band that makes great background music.

9) Sloan: Cheap Champagne
I had a conversation the other day with a friend. She suggested that if I heard Sloan’s old stuff now, I would not like it because it’s too poppy. That’s definitely not true. If I heard Twice Removed or One Chord to Another now, I’d think they were a better version of Spoon. However, with the crap these guys released on their latest album Parallel Play, it makes it hard for me to be a Sloan apologist, especially the way they sucked live. This song called Cheap Champagne is pretty good however. But I couldn't find it on this imeem deal, so here's an oldie, but a goodie by the same wussy guy that my wife loves:

The Lines You Amend - Sloan

10) Bicycles –
I’ll Wait for You: A late entry in my2008 Canadian song book. A grower.

Forgive me Canada, for I have sinned. It has been over 257 days since my last Tim Hortons. 2008

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