Sunday, December 30, 2007


In August of 2007, the Canadian Hero of the Year was just a normal American dog chasing grey squirrels through the streets of Minneapolis. But on September 1st a giant UHaul pulled up in front and changed his life forever.

Balki's Canadian life did not begin well. At Kilometer marker 4 just after crossing into Canada, Balki got a little car sick. In fact, one of Johnada's first memories of his new Canadian life is the image of Balki and Beernada about ten feet apart puking into the weeds off of a rural Canadian road. (On a related note, I don't recommend eating at Senor Lucky's in Flint, MI.)

What truly makes Balki the Canadian Hero of the Year is how quickly he overcame bad Mexican food scraps and assimilated into Canadian culture. Since becoming a Canadian dog citizen, he's been a tireless advocate for public healthcare for animals. In addition, he's volunteered countless hours helping to eliminate rodents from the Toronto region. And almost every day he goes to the dog park and smells all types of Canadian dog butts, showing no preference based on gender, race or creed. Finally, he LOVES Tim Hortons donuts, a necessity for any Canadian Hero.

In just a few short months, Balki changed Canada and Canada changed Balki.

Thanks to everyone for voting. The deciding vote came only hours before the polls closed. Johnada was actually expecting Mukmuk to win in a landslide, but you all had other ideas. The first runner-up black squirrel will take Balki's place should he be unable to perform his duties. (Perhaps if Balki should have some sort of accident involving nuts. )

Happy New Year to everyone! For the rest of this week Johnada will be attending a party in Chicago, sleeping off the aftermath, then driving back to Canada. We'll be back to our regular posting schedule next weekend, hopefully with incriminating photos from tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see this blog is democratic! I voted for the dog and I really wanted him to win, even if your support to Mukmuk was very obvious.

Loving Tim Hortons? Welcome to Canada, Balki!

beaverboosh said...

Well done Balki, you pipped the Black Squirrel at the post! (I still can't believe I was the only one to vote for Lorne Wheaton, I mean, what has happened to Canada in my absence!)

Anonymous said...

Back bacon was robbed. And then it was eaten. Yum.

Johnada said...

Zhu - Yes, I can't contain my soft spot for Mukmuk, probably because everyone else seems to hate him so much.

Beaverboosh - My sister complained that no one voted for Lorne Wheaton, but she obviously didn't vote for him, since yours was the lone vote.

Anonymous - Back Bacon had a good showing. I mean it was a meat, what did you expect? 2008

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